Whom the gods destroy, they first make mad

Mad, as in insane, not mad as in angry.

A sign of insanity is failing to get angry at appropriate times.

Some person using the handle “globalpeace” posted this in response to another knee-jerk whine about Obama (see comment #2):

You didn’t get mad when the Supreme Court stopped a legal recount and appointed a President.

You didn’t get mad when Cheney allowed Energy company officials to dictate energy policy.

You didn’t get mad when a covert CIA operative got outed.

You didn’t get mad when the Patriot Act got passed.

You didn’t get mad when we illegally invaded a country that posed no threat to us.

You didn’t get mad when we spent over 600 billion(and counting) on said illegal war.

You didn’t get mad when over 10 billion dollars just disappeared in Iraq.

You didn’t get mad when you saw the Abu Grahib photos.

You didn’t get mad when you found out we were torturing people.

You didn’t get mad when the government was illegally wiretapping Americans.

You didn’t get mad when we didn’t catch Bin Laden.

You didn’t get mad when you saw the horrible conditions at Walter Reed.

You didn’t get mad when we let a major US city drown.

You didn’t get mad when the deficit hit the trillion dollar mark.

You finally got mad when.. when… wait for it… when the government decided that people in America deserved the right to see a doctor if they are sick. Yes, illegal wars, lies, corruption, torture, stealing your tax dollars to make the rich richer, are all ok with you but helping other Americans… well [expletive deleted] that. That about right? You know it is.

Not getting angry at appropriate times can indeed be a sign of madness.

13 Responses to Whom the gods destroy, they first make mad

  1. […] done. It is much easier to complain about Alabama, than to build a pipeline through the mountains. Millard Fillmore’s Bathtub brought a bit of Internet nonsense to our attention recently. It seems that someone posted a […]


  2. […] much easier to complain about Tennessee surveyors than to build a pipeline through the mountains. Millard Fillmore’s Bathtub brought a bit of Internet nonsense to our attention recently. It seems that someone posted a […]


  3. Ray C. says:

    Shorter bgates: Both sides are bad, so vote Republican.


  4. Jim Stanley says:

    No worries, Ed. The link was sufficient to debunk BGates’ lie about Obama not accepting foreign assistance for the oil spill. He did. And quickly.

    Curiously, not 24 hours after reading that lie here, another right wing friend of mine was fulminating about how “Barry Sotero” couldn’t handle the Gulf crisis on his own like a real ‘Murrican..so he had to take all kinds of help from Castro and Chavez and the evil UN.

    Five’ll getcha ten they both heard the exact opposite lies on the same “news” network.


  5. […] Get Mad Get Odd Posted in Uncategorized by chamblee54 on August 2, 2010 Millard Fillmore’s Bathtub brought a bit of Internet nonsense to our attention recently. It seems that someone posted a […]


  6. Ed Darrell says:

    Whoa. Something went dreadfully wrong with my last post, Ed.

    I don’t see it in moderation. If you haven’t turned your computer off, try “undo” in the toolbar; if you can’t find the lost stuff that way, try a couple of “go back one page.”

    I hope it’s somewhere on your computer, because I’m not finding it on WordPress.


  7. Nick K says:

    Yes, morgan, tax cuts are government spending..they are an accounting expense. And they count against the defecit. Or did you happen to miss where the CBO announced that a full 60% of the current defecit is because of Bush’s two wars and because of Bush’s tax cuts? After all..Bush’s tax cuts weren’t paid for by anything.

    You and your fellow REpublicans can sit there and pretend that tax cuts are free all you want but it only proves that your party doesn’t deserve power until it gets back to reality.


  8. Jim Stanley says:

    Whoa. Something went dreadfully wrong with my last post, Ed. I wrote a fairly lengthy response to our friend, Bgates, but virtually none of what I wrote appeared. What did I do?

    (I do note, with relief, that his error — or lie — about the Obama administration’s refusal to accept foreign aid for the oil spill has been debunked. I do hope he’ll apologize for that.)


  9. Jim Stanley says:

    Hello BGates!

    May I respond to a few of your remarks? Please don’t hesitate to let me know if I have misunderstood or taken them out of context, okay? Thanks!

    You say, >>>”you thought the Patriot Act should exist only during a Democrat administration (which it still does, by the way)”<<>>”you must have been furious at the American military presence in Somalia and Haiti besides the bombing of Serbia *and* Iraq during the 90s”<<>>”you must be even more upset about Obama’s spending, since it’s both much higher than anything during the Bush administration “<<>>”largely on matters that simply aren’t within the federal government’s purview”<<>>”you must be outraged that we still haven’t caught bin Laden (or closed Gitmo”<<>>”you must be as horrified at the federal government that turned away international aid to ensure the oil spill could do maximum damage”<<<

    Either you are misinformed, or a liar. I'm opting for the former, rather than the latter. But please read this and apologize to the community for bearing false witness…



  10. Tax cuts are government spending? Who knew. In times like these we’d better eliminate all government spending, and tax everybody everything they have plus everything they can pull in. That will give the government the best shot at making itself solvent, right? We’ll all just keep working for nothing out of the goodness of our hearts?

    If tax cuts are government spending, that would all make perfect sense. So I guess you must agree with it Nick.

    Ed, I’m really pleased with the question I posed globalpeace about this. I regard it as unanswerable. And it must be, since nobody has answered it.


  11. Nick K says:

    Oh I forgot one question for you, Bgates.

    When the economy is in a recession/depression and the people aren’t spending and companies aren’t spending…who is supposed to do the spending to get the economy churning along again?

    Oh and please don’t bring up that stupid “Federal government was spending on things it doesn’t have the authority to spend on” because first of all…that particular interpretation of the tenth admendment has never been valid, has never been upheld and was being wholesale ignored by your own party when it was in power. Or did you somehow forget the Terry Schivao case? Or the fact that George W Bush blocked California from enforcing stricter auto emissions then the feds did? Oh and lets not also forget the US Constitution giving Congress power to regulate interstate commerce. Since I somehow suspect that one of the things you believe the government did that it had no authority on was health care reform.

    And oh also..there’s the preambled to the US Constitution. You know…the one that says the government is supposed to see to the general welfare of the people?

    But no..its far better that health insurance companies be allowed to let people die, including children, so as to increase their profits then *gasp* the government (i.e. the people) step in and at least attempt to fix the problem.

    As for the bank bailouts and the auto industry bailouts..lets do bother to remember that the former was started by Bush and the latter was an idea thought up by Bush.

    Let me know when and if the US Supreme Court upholds your delusional interpretation of the 10th Admendment. And let me know when your party wants to abide by what it says it believes regarding the 10th admendment. You can start with your party abiding by that interpretation with regards to Arizona’s paper please law. After all…border control is a federal thing and not one that the states have the right to preempt the feds on.

    OH and please don’t go arguing that Obama has abdicated and done nothing on border control, we both know thats a lie and I can prove that faster then it took me to prove you were lying about the government not accepting foreign help with regards to the oil spill. But you do know who did refuse foreign help with regards to a natural disaster? George W Bush. With regards to Hurricane Katrina.

    You can learn to think for yourself, Gates, or you can continue to drink the right wing kool-aid. It is entirely your choice.


  12. Nick K says:

    Bgates writes:
    you must be even more upset about Obama’s spending, since it’s both much higher than anything during the Bush administration and largely on matters that simply aren’t within the federal government’s purview,

    Oh look..main lie number one. No, its not higher then Bush’s. Not even close. Or are you forgetting the tax cuts are by definition “government spending”? Oh and the two wars too.

    Bgates writes:
    you must be as horrified at the federal government that turned away international aid to ensure the oil spill could do maximum damage as you are at the state and local governments that failed during Katrina.

    Oh look..there is main lie #2. Sorry, no. We didn’t turn away international aid to the oil spill. Have fun swallowing: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/greenspace/2010/06/us-accepting-international-help-with-oil-spill-state-dept-says-.html

    As for Gitmo, none of us were stupid enough to believe that it would be closed right away. But your side was stupid enough to believe that opening it would be a good thing.

    As for not understanding the role of the federal government..again that would be you and your side. And it is you and your side that has done everything possible short of outright treason to destroy this country. And considering your side keeps on talking about armed insurrections, succession and armed coups…yeah you’re side is coming real close to stepping across that line.


  13. bgates says:

    I guess you did get mad because you didn’t understand a Supreme Court decision,
    you don’t understand what a covert agent is,
    you thought the Patriot Act should exist only during a Democrat administration (which it still does, by the way),
    you must have been furious at the American military presence in Somalia and Haiti besides the bombing of Serbia *and* Iraq during the 90s,
    you must be even more upset about Obama’s spending, since it’s both much higher than anything during the Bush administration and largely on matters that simply aren’t within the federal government’s purview,
    you must be outraged that we still haven’t caught bin Laden (or closed Gitmo – wasn’t that a campaign promise? Were you stupid enough to believe it?),
    you must be as horrified at the federal government that turned away international aid to ensure the oil spill could do maximum damage as you are at the state and local governments that failed during Katrina.

    Of course, you’re mad in both senses if you’re a progressive – angry, insane, and incapable of understanding the role of the federal government. You and the people you support are destroying America.


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