. . . and that’s the trufe!

April 30, 2024

What Trumpers tell us (according to Luke Zaleski):

This is the actual story republicans are going with: Trump built the wall and gave us world peace and then Democrats and China (Trump’s pal Xi) made up a phony virus that doesn’t make you sick—and Trump caught it and made a beautiful vaccine that kills you and he saved us—before Joe stole the election and Trump had to start an insurrection that didn’t happen that Nancy did just so they could make it look like Trump did it even though he told the attackers he loved them and would pardon them and Obama secretly runs everything and the CIA and FBI do too and George Soros and they started the war Putin started and are behind the Hamas attack as well and Trump will stop it all in 24 hours.

And they heard it all on Fox News, because they never listen to regular media because the stories told there are unbelievable.

You can read it here: https://x.com/ZaleskiLuke/status/1784048405972471816