Low-cost solutions to some education problems

January 14, 2008

State legislatures shouldn’t micromanage the classroom, parents should monitor student progress, and students should take difficult classes, to get a better education.  Utah math teacher Allen Barney lists inexpensive — and unlikely — methods for improving education, in Salt Lake City’s Deseret Morning News.

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Creationism in Fort Bend County, Texas

January 14, 2008

Florida may be ahead in the race to see which state can get slapped down first for illegally denying science to students in public school science classes. The problem in national, however.

It’s not always a question of setting standards. Sometimes teachers are told to dumb down classes, regardless the standards. Fort Bend County, Texas, offers an example: “Religious Beliefs Trump Thinking In Our Schools.”

No, Fort Bend County is not in rural, far west Texas. It’s just southeast of Houston, Texas’ biggest city.

Be sure to scan the comments, too.

Belated tip of the old scrub brush to Ed Brayton at Dispatches from the Culture Wars.

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