Chess games of the rich and famous: Truman vs. Stalin, over Berlin

Not a chess game that really happened, but a virtual chess game with the highest stakes ever:

Truman and Stalin play chess, by Leslie Illington - Berlin Airlift - George Mason U image

Caption from George Mason collection: In this game Stalin‘s main opponent would be Harry Truman, the board Germany, and the opening gambit would occur in Berlin. Image by Leslie Illington. Source: National Library I of Wales.

Stalin’s pieces include “Eastern Bloc,” and “Berlin Blockade.”  Trumans pieces include a knight,  “Air Lift,” and a piece looking a lot like Gen. Dwight Eisenhower,   “Atlantic Alliance.”

I found this image at a site covering the Berlin Airlift, set up by John Lemza, a Ph.D. candidate in history at George Mason University.  I gather it was his response for a final assignment in a class — but it’s a great site to cover Berlin in the Cold War, and especially the Berlin Airlift:  “Berlin Airlift:  Relief for a city held hostage.”



2 Responses to Chess games of the rich and famous: Truman vs. Stalin, over Berlin

  1. Ed Darrell says:

    Hey, visitors: Please do this journal a favor, and tell us who or what sent you here today. Want to be able to return the favor, or tailor content to your needs.

    And it’s nice to know.


  2. Ed Darrell says:

    Great story from the Berlin Airlift, the Candy Bomber:


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