David Horsey can’t draw that, can he?

August 27, 2009

Sometimes the only bastion of sanity on the editorial pages is the editorial cartoon.  David Horsey at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer has good one’s all the time, and especially over the past few weeks of the Congressional recess.

But, did the P-I actually print* this one?

Cartoon by David Horsey, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, copyright 2009

Cartoon by David Horsey, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, copyright 2009; August 22, 2009

Cartoon by David Horsey, August 22, 2009, <em>Seattle Post-Intelligencer</em> (on-line); Copyright to Seattle P-I and David Horsey.

Cartoon by David Horsey, August 22, 2009, Seattle Post-Intelligencer (on-line); Copyright to Seattle P-I and David Horsey.

Well, of course they didn’t actually print it . . . publish?  post?  release?

Special tip of the old scrub brush to Blue Ollie, who reposted this cartoon and thereby preserved the image.

Slow posting

August 27, 2009

Dear Reader,

My apologies.  Posting is slow — as it always is when the new school year begins.  But this year is complicated by a death in the family.

Find a thread and comment.

How are things at your school this year, so far?