Darwin speaks out, sorta

April 27, 2008

In his on-camera parts in his mockumentary movie “Expelled!” Ben Stein paid a visit to the statue of Charles Darwin in the British Museum (too bad Stein didn’t bother to visit any of the exhibits).

It was a brave move.  Stein, ever the prankster, surely understood that his move would be open to pranking itself.  Sure enough, The Beagle Project sponsored a captioning contest, similar to The New Yorker’s cartoon captioning contests.

Here’s the winner, in a .gif animation from Eclectech:

Ben Stein meets Darwin's statue

See the other entries in the captioning contest at The Beagle Project.

Oooh, and see all the other creativity Stein’s misstep created:

Tip of the old scrub brush (again) to Pharyngula.

Charles Darwin has a blog!

April 27, 2008

No kidding.  See it here.  High-end hosts, at Nature.com.

I gather they have wi-fi in the cafe at the museum from which he posts.

Charles Darwin in the cafe at the British Museum -- photo from 90% True

Charles Darwin sits congenially in the café of the British Museum.  Does he blog with wi-fi?

Huxley and Darwin in the cafe at the British Museum; temporary posts for both of them, during some renovations, it turned out -- update 2015. Photo from Airminded.

Huxley and Darwin in the cafe at the British Museum; temporary posts for both of them, during some renovations, it turned out — update 2015. Photo from Airminded

In his first post, he complains about the abuse he suffers from Ben Stein’s mockumentary.

Tip of the old scrub brush to Pharyngula.

Terry Jones and Gordon Brown: One and the same?

April 27, 2008

Who is this guy?

Gordon Brown, a bit younger

Are you sure it’s not the same as this guy, below?

Terry Jones, from BBC publicity photo

Is it possible that England, who thinks it is being led by a fellow named Gordon Brown, of Tony Blair’s Labour Party, is instead being led by Terry Jones, of Monty Python fame?

Terry Jones, with cocoanut orchestra - Broadway World.com

Are they not the same man? Are you sure?

Have you ever seen director Terry Jones and Prime Minister Gordon Brown photographed together?

Joanne Jacobs was so close to the truth! But she missed it.

It would be so unfair. Britain gets a Python. We get . . . something else.

Update, June 16, 2008: Even better comparison of photos here.  I’m having difficulty reading the caption — monitor resolution problems?  Can you read the post and translate it here?

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