All quiet on the Yellowstone front (almost)

January 6, 2009

Here’s the on-line helicorder view of January 5 — a quiet day at Lake Woebegone Yellowstone.  Click on the image to go to the site and see for yourself (in a larger format, too).

Compare the image below, with the image here, to see the difference a few days makes.

Helicorder data from January 5, 2008, Yellowstone Lake, West Thumb station (YLT)

Helicorder data from January 5, 2008, Yellowstone Lake, West Thumb station (YLT)

Stu’s Double Jeopardy – classroom quiz tool

January 6, 2009

A few teachers resist technology with everything they have.  Several years ago I ran into a history teacher who had a “Jeopardy” style quiz on PowerPoint, for one chapter of Texas history.  She loved it.

But that one quiz was all she had.  I got a copy of it, did a quiz for the next chapter by simply replacing the questions and answers, and passed it back to her.  She treated me as if I had done some magic incantation and filled the room with smoke.  It had not occurred to her that she had it in her power to use the template to make her own quizzes.

Along comes Stu Hasic, with more computer moxie than I, to create Stu’s Double Jeopardy.  He assumes you want to make your own quizzes, and he’s got a few add-on tools and instructions to make it easier.

Go explore his blog, download the quiz tools, and put them to use.  Will you report back here how it works for you?  Thank you.