Headlines to remember

March 18, 2008

Headlines make the news sing:  In addition to 100,000 serious-minded, seeking education gawkers dropping by, several other blogs linked to the post on the ancient animation.   Far and away the best headline on any of those links “So who’s whistlin’ now, Steamboat Willie?”

(What? Who is Steamboat Willie?  Here, it’s history; you can look it up.)

8 year-old kid finds dinosaur tracks

March 18, 2008

Here’s a great story about a kid who made a significant dinosaur-related find: 8 year-old Rhys Nichols found the dinosaur tracks as he was strolling along a beach near his home in Scarborough, North Yorkshire.

Found the story via Prehistoric CSI, a blog which normally tracks dinosaur digs in Texas at the Seymour, Texas, “red beds” — and which is billed as having a limited run. Texas history and science teachers need to get over there to see what’s up. (Seymour is about midway between Fort Worth and Lubbock.)

Seymour Red beds logo, Robert Bakker, Houston MNH

Prehistoric CSI has some wonderful stories about digging and researching Texas fossils — see this one featuring 3-D images of a still-rock-encased critter.

I hope that site stays alive for a while.