Homeschooler says ‘teach kids about Darwin’

March 11, 2008

Thoughtful post from a homeschooler, Geek Dad.  Check out the responses.  The heated exchanges reveal a lot.

550,000 so soon?

March 11, 2008

One lucky post — at today’s traffic rates, Millard Fillmore’s Bathtub will rocket through its 550,000th view this afternoon.

If it’s not repeatable, it’s a miracle, right?

[Update:  550,000th hit at about 2:20 p.m. CDT.]

Feynman: The beat goes on

March 11, 2008


I believe this is an excerpt from a NOVA tribute to Feynman, which has never been available commercially so far as I have found.  Anybody know how to get a copy of the video?

Among other things, the piece included comments from some of Feynman’s closest friends, and it detailed their fascination with a tiny republic then inside of the Soviet Union, Tannu Tuva, which Feynman had determined to be the most obscure and difficult nation on Earth to travel to — and so, of course, he wanted to go.  The place is known today as Tuva.

No denying the man his orange juice.